Enriching Men’s Therapy Group

Rebuilding Trust and Restoring Intimacy After Betrayal

man jumping up

The Enriching Therapy Group For Men

After sexual betrayal, it can be difficult to rebuild trust and restore intimacy in a relationship. If you have done the betrayal, it can, at times, feel hopeless. You can sometimes feel like maybe you can’t fix it, even if both of you desperately want it to work. If you have betrayed your partner and want to heal the relationship and feel stuck, this group is for you.

Open The Door
To Healing

Healing a relationship after betrayal can feel overwhelming.
We have found that men who want the relationship to heal often feel lost in what to do to heal the relationship

You need a place to work out how to respond with authenticity and empathy to your partner’s trauma and pain.

You need a place to deal with your own shame and guilt around your addictive behavior, and do the work on your own recovery in the context of relationship. To heal your relationship you also need to heal yourself.

Do You Relate?

If any of these rings true to you, our therapy group could be an excellent fit for your relationship recovery.
  • I just freeze when my partner is angry, and I don’t say anything at all.
  • My partner tells me I just don’t care about their pain, but that’s not true. I do care.
  • I can feel defensive when my partner is expressing their hurt or anger, but I just can’t seem to stop myself.
  • When their upset, I just find myself getting angry, and then sometimes I just say what they want to hear.
  • I am afraid to do anything. I feel like I’m shutting down.
  • I have no idea how to respond to my partner.
  • My partner is never going to trust me again. What’s the point?
  • “I know I have hurt my partner, but when is it going to get better? I can’t do this dance much longer.
  • I want them to know that I’m sorry, but I am just too afraid to bring it up.
  • I feel like I’m walking on eggshells, and at any moment it’s going to fall apart.
  • I feel so much shame about how I hurt my partner that I just shut down when I saw them in pain.
  • Maybe I just can’t be emphatic, and I’m a lost cause. Possibly my partner would be better off without me.
  • My partner keeps asking me “why and I don’t really know the answer to that question.
Man on Laptop

Why Group Therapy

This group provides a safe place to work on your own feelings, and you get support on how to respond authentically in your relationship.

Recovery is a journey, and in this group, you have the chance to look deeper into your actions and uncover the reasons behind your behavior. It’s not always easy to face these truths, but understanding where it all comes from is a powerful step toward healing.

You’re not alone in this—many of us have been there, grappling with the “why” behind our choices. But with patience and self-compassion, you can start to piece together the story and find the strength to move forward.

Recovery is possible, and so is a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Start Healing The Relationship

Imagine having a resource that you can turn too when you need to process your own feelings and practice working on responses that help your partner heal.
This is critical at the beginning of a relationship to reestablish trust. This is also a place for you to work on your own sense of pain and shame so you can remain present as your partner heals.

The beautiful part of healing a relationship after a betrayal is seeing the relationship flourish once the trauma is validated and understood, and both people in the relationship can truly feel safe being themselves.

How The Group Works

You learn the skills of genuine connection and empathy with others on the same journey.

We will have eight people per group with one or two group facilitators.

The group meets once per week and lasts 1 1/2 hours.

We ask each new member to make a minimum 6-month commitment to the group.

The cost of the group is $360 per month.

You Are One Step
Away From Recovery