Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery Workgroup

Get The Work Done! Start Your Sex Addiction Recovery Today.

man jumping up

Join In The Transformations 

In a world where struggle often goes unseen and the fight for recovery feels like a solo battle, you are not alone. Our Sex Addiction Recovery Workgroup is designed from the ground up to provide a haven for healing, growth, and transformation. Led by Duane Osterlind and his compassionate team, we offer a safe space for survivors of sex addiction, porn addicts, and individuals on the path to recovery.

Why Our Workgroup Stands Apart

  • Get The Work Done: We focus on actionable recovery, ensuring each step taken is meaningful.
  • Accountability & Structure: A disciplined approach to foster real change, held within a framework of compassion.
  • Cost-Effective: Designed to be more accessible than traditional therapy, without compromising on quality or integrity.
  • Step-by-Step Support: Our structured program offers guidance, support, and encouragement every step of the way.
  • Tools for Healing Relationships: Beyond personal recovery, we provide the means to mend and strengthen your relationships.
  • Expert-Led: Benefit from the expertise of Duane Osterlind and his dedicated team, leaders in sex addiction recovery.

Navigating Through the Roadblocks on Your Recovery Journey

We understand that the path to recovery is rarely straight or free from obstacles. It’s a deeply personal experience, filled with unique challenges that can sometimes feel insurmountable. You might have found yourself avoiding the necessary work because facing your pain head-on feels daunting. Or perhaps, you’ve encountered moments of uncertainty, feeling lost about what the next step should be in your healing process. Procrastination is another common roadblock, where the fear of confronting deep-seated issues leads to putting off crucial steps in your recovery. And of course, there’s the overwhelming sensation that can accompany the realization of the magnitude of the journey ahead.

Please know, these feelings are a natural part of the healing process. Our workgroup is here to acknowledge your struggles, offering support and guidance as we walk this path together. You are not alone in feeling stuck, confused, or overwhelmed. Our goal is to provide the tools and resources you need to overcome these barriers, fostering resilience and hope every step of the way.

Through understanding, deep empathy, and structured accountability, we aim to light the path to a healthier, more fulfilled life. We understand the weight of guilt, shame, and the sense of hopelessness that can accompany this battle. Yet, we also know the power of hope, the strength found in community, and the invaluable tools that can guide you through.

Man on Laptop

Why A Workgroup 

Choosing a workgroup for recovery isn’t about taking the easy route; it’s about recognizing the immense value of shared experiences and collective wisdom. When facing the challenges of addiction, the path can feel incredibly lonely and insurmountable. Yet, there’s a profound comfort in knowing you’re not walking this path alone.

Our workgroup provides a safe space where you can openly share your struggles, learn from others who are facing similar battles, and find a sense of belonging. This shared journey fosters a unique form of healing and growth that’s difficult to achieve in isolation.

Together, we build a community of support, understanding, and encouragement, making the process of recovery not just about individual victories but about collective progress and resilience.

Complete Your Work! 

  • Create your personal 3-circle plan
  • Map out your personal addictive system
  • Create your recovery system
  • Build & practice your recovery couples check-in
  • Map out your cognitive distortion that keep you stuck in addiction
  • Deeply understand first and second-order change & define it for yourself.
  • Outline & incorporate your daily recovery routine 
  • Create a relapse prevention plan.
  • Build your accountability system.
Man working on his recovery with his laptop

Hear From Our Community

After facing numerous personal challenges and feeling overwhelmed by sex addiction, I felt lost in a cycle of despair. Thankfully, I found this workgroup, which has been instrumental in transforming my life. With their encouragement, I have embraced the power of community to overcome my struggles and get the work done.  They provided not only a sense of belonging during a time when I felt most isolated but also gave me practical tools to heal and make positive changes. I’m deeply grateful for the new direction my life has taken. 🙌❤️ Thank you.”


How This Workgroup Works

Join us weekly for our online group meetings via Google Meet on Tuesdays from 12-1. We’ll have short lectures on the week’s topic and provide opportunities for feedback on your homework. Plus, breakout rooms are available to discuss any challenges you’re encountering. Don’t miss out!

The cost of the group is $198 per month, and we ask for a 6 month commitment.

Get access to the tool you need to move your recovery forward and save your relationship!

Man who got the work done