Using Mindfulness To Find Freedom From Sexual Addiction

As a leading counseling firm working with individuals suffering from sexual addiction, we often find ourselves helping individuals discover techniques for fighting temptation and readjusting their mindset away from negative thought patterns. For those who find comfort in their addiction, it can be incredibly difficult to rewire the mind’s natural proclivity to wander toward negative thoughts and dangerous outcomes. However, there is one method that is becoming increasingly popular with therapists working with addiction – mindfulness therapy.

At its core, mindfulness therapy is based on the techniques involved with helping one return to their center in the midst of any situation, and focus on the present. This allows them to stop their thoughts from reaching forward or back into dangerous territory and helps to remind them of their journey to recovery.

Mindfulness is a powerful technique that can be utilized in therapy practice to help quiet the noise of life and put into practice helpful mental models that lead to freedom. Though some clients may be unsure about mindfulness in their therapy and everyday life, a simple overview of how mindfulness therapy works can do a great deal to help those suffering from sexual addiction find hope and healing.

Understanding Mindfulness Therapy To Help With Sexual Addiction

For those working in the world of therapy and counseling, mindfulness can be understood as a “conscious awareness of one’s present moment.” Those who practice mindfulness will seek to spend intentional time drawing toward the center of their personal mental and physical being.

This centering can allow for healing to occur in a non-judgemental environment, and can lead to breakthroughs when combined with other therapy and counseling methods, such as Cognitive-based Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Simple relaxation and the emptying of the mind is not the true goal of mindfulness therapy. Instead, mindfulness in therapy focuses on the individual’s awareness on their inner thoughts, feelings, and brings to light any conscious or unconscious actions that can hinder our one’s progress in therapy. This aids in unlocking the deep, hidden issues and problems that may be leading to sexual addiction.

When done consistently and correctly, mindfulness can help you to gain deeper insight into your inner-thought patterns and unlock the ability for therapy to work even more effectively.

When working to increase one’s mindfulness, an individual may work through a guided meditation that helps them to focus on the present moment – leaving the thoughts and anxieties of the past and future behind. This can help them draw their thoughts away from temptation and numbing outlets that their brain may default toward in times of stress and anxiety.

Often, those working through a mindfulness practice will find that their mind wanders, and will have to work hard to bring their thoughts back to center. At first, this guided meditation practice can seem daunting, but with time those who become accustomed to mindfulness can bring themselves peace during moments that trigger their anxieties, addictions, and more.

Learn How To Implement Mindfulness Into A Recovery Plan With Novus Mindful Life

Practical and applied mindfulness therapy is a great way for those suffering from sexual addiction to discover hope and healing in tangible ways. If you or a loved one is ready to overcome the struggles of addiction and learn how to begin living a healthy, thriving life, there is hope. If you would like to learn more about mindfulness practice in therapy sessions, contact the team at Novus Mindful Life today!

At Novus Mindful Life, our team of trained mental health and addiction experts can help you learn the skills necessary to live a thriving daily life. From mindfulness practices to guided counseling sessions, our team has the experience and skills necessary to help forge a path to freedom.

Are you ready to get started? Want to learn more about our sexual addiction therapy options, and how you or someone you love can begin to receive the help they need in an online environment? Contact our team today to learn more.

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