Novus Mindful Life Blog

Healing after Infidelity

Healing after Infidelity

“Our friends and our therapist keep telling us that we will be able to trust each other again sometime, but I just don’t see how that is possible.” “How can I bring myself to forgive? It’s hard enough just to have a conversation about the kids!” “How will she ever...

The Format and Methods of Infidelity Counseling

The Format and Methods of Infidelity Counseling

Perhaps you and your partner are ready to get started with couples therapy to continue the process of healing from infidelity but you still have some questions about what that will look like. “What is the counselor going to ask us? Do we need to prepare beforehand?”...

The Right Timing for Couples Counseling After Infidelity

The Right Timing for Couples Counseling After Infidelity

Should we go to individual counseling first? Because of the depth of the trauma that the uninvolved partner is feeling after the discovery of the affair, it is very likely that they will seek individual counseling early on in the process to assist their comprehension...

Types Of Couples Therapy After Infidelity

Types Of Couples Therapy After Infidelity

Types Of Couples Therapy You may have talked to friends who have gone through individual or couples therapy, so they may have given you a good overview of how it was helpful to them, but you do not have to rely solely on word-of-mouth as you make your decision to...

Healing From Infidelity After Couple Counseling

Healing From Infidelity After Couple Counseling

So much damage has been done. Can couples counseling really help us deal with infidelity? Most therapists would be quick to recommend couples therapy no matter the circumstances because of the importance of getting the objective truth out in the open so both partners...

The Consequences After Discovery Of Infidelity

The Consequences After Discovery Of Infidelity

How Do I Even Live a Normal Life Now? Now that the affair is out in the open, both you and your partner will have a lot to process as you approach various situations in a new light.  It might feel like no one has ever experienced the levels of hurt and betrayal that...

The Signs of Infidelity

The Signs of Infidelity

What leads to an affair or infidelity? A few of the biggest questions someone asks after an affair are “Why? How could I not see this? Did I miss the signs? If only I had seen it, I could of done something different. How could they do this to our family?” “Looking...

The Discovery of Infidelity

The Discovery of Infidelity

I just found out that my partner had an affair - now what? It can feel like your heart has left you or you are watching your life shatter right in front of you. You say to yourself, “How could this happen to me? We have the perfect marriage!” or “What is wrong with me...

Getting Anxiety Therapy – You Don’t Have to Feel So Anxious

Getting Anxiety Therapy – You Don’t Have to Feel So Anxious

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders – that is 18% of the population. However, only 14 million of those people seek treatment every year. This article is for the 26 million others who are...

Understanding Love Addiction. How do I know if I need help?

Understanding Love Addiction. How do I know if I need help?

Love addiction also called romance addiction or relationship addiction is a term used to describe the preoccupation with falling in love or being in love. This preoccupation tends to become obsessive for the person who has it. They continually look to fall in love...

Misconceptions about Sex Addiction

Misconceptions about Sex Addiction

You or someone you love has a sex addiction – what does that mean? What doesn’t that mean? Is it really a problem? What can you do about it? It’s No Big Deal “Everyone has a hang-up, so having a sex addiction is no big deal – right? It is no different than being a...

After Infidelity Marriage Counseling Can Help You Forgive

After Infidelity Marriage Counseling Can Help You Forgive

Statistics show that in more than 1/3 of marriages, one or both spouses admit to cheating, either physically or emotionally. And a person that has cheated before is 350% more likely to cheat again. These numbers might be shocking to you or you might know all too well...

The Four Times in Your Life When You Need Couples Therapy

The Four Times in Your Life When You Need Couples Therapy

Many people wonder if and when they should go to therapy with their partner: when times are good, when times are bad, before making a significant life change, after making a major life change, before having kids, after having kids, and so on. In fact, approximately...

How to help your partner overcome depression

How to help your partner overcome depression

Depression is a major mental disorder that can throw life out of gear, not just for the people suffering from it, but their family members as well. Seeing your life partner crumble in front of your very eyes can be heart-wrenching. Frightened, frustrated and confused,...

Coping with Panic Attacks

Coping with Panic Attacks

Fear can be a good thing when faced with dangerous or harmful stimuli. It helps us stay alert and be wary of potential threats to our physical and mental well being. But when fear transcends the level of a helpful emotion to something debilitating and paralyzing, it...