Everyone wants to be in a relationship which is full of love, joy, respect, and trust. But after being exposed to a series of unhealthy relationships, most people lose the ability to identify and define a truly fulfilling and healthy relationship. Here are a few...
Long Beach, CA | August 27, 2017 – Free to all listeners, Novus Family Counseling and Recovery Center founder Duane Osterlind, LMFT, has launched The Addicted Mind, a Podcast providing profound personal accounts of struggling, overcoming and healing from addiction...
All relationships go through ups and downs. But some couples start wondering whether they are headed towards a breakup. They are going through some unusual downs in their relationship, and are unsure what’s going on. Consider the following signs, and get more...
There are a number of couples, married or otherwise who feel like the person they wake up next to is not the people they feel in love with. In some situations, you may even feel like you feel nothing towards the person you settled down with, or may be feeling more...
In the last post, we dealt with 4 things that most couples might have heard as facts, but just may not be so. The following write up will have four more pointers that can help couples realize that not everything they hear or even think of as fact may actually be true....